Letterpress Variation Talk at 2016 LolCon

In September, I will be a two day business class for letterpress printers at the Ladies of Letterpress conference. Joing me at Type on the Cob III in Mt Pleasant, Iowa September 13 to 17, 2016:

Letterpress Variation

Even while most manufacturers have systematically reduced variability in their operations, letterpress printers embrace inconsistent printing. After all, the inherent variability makes letterpress more “hand-made” and desirable. Customer expectations are also highly variable and often unknown; those who spend more money for the slight inconsistency of letterpress printing are usually not happy with too much inconsistency. This balancing act has always been a challenge at Boxcar Press, as fewer than 1% of customers are on-site for a press check and fewer than 25% have direct contact with us at all. In this class I will cover some of the techniques that we use to bridge the gap between variable customer expectations and variable printing quality. We’re far from perfect, but I will share some techniques that seem to improve our odds of satisfying customers.

More details are online at the Type on the Cob III conference page. Feel free to ask any questions about the class in the meantime.